First steps on Pader­born Uni­ver­sity's cam­pus

Welcome to the campus of Paderborn University!

During your first days at Paderborn University there are some things to do.

A detailed checklist for new employees can be found here.

To use the IT services of Paderborn University (e.g. e-mail, WLAN) a university account is required. Employees of Paderborn University can set it up online at the Information and Media Technologies Center (IMT). (Unfortunately, the website is only available in German at the moment. If you need support, you can directly contact the IMT team: imt(at)upb(dot)de). After processing the application, the IMT will send a transaction number/TAN to the secretary‘s office responsible for you, with which you can then create your university account.

An account can also be set up for guests. How to set up a guest account is explained here (only in German). You can also contact the IMT for support.

Employees of Paderborn University can apply for an employee ID card/library card online at the IMT service portal.

Researchers without an employment contract can contact the University's Vice-President for Operations to apply for an employee ID card/library card. You will need to show the Faculty’s invitation as well as a confirmation of your scholarship.

In the gastronomic facilities at Paderborn University you can only pay cashless with the "DeliCard" or by EC card paying the guest price. You can obtain the ?DeliCard“ for a deposit of 5 euros for example at the DeliCard issuing office (building ME below the Mensa Forum). Further information can be found here.

Tip: The German Studentenwerk has published an illustrated "Mensa dictionary" in German, English and Chinese, which provides many practical words and phrases that you can use when having lunch in the Mensa.