Bank ac­count

If you stay in Germany for a longer period and regularly receive a salary or scholarship and have to pay rent, electricity and other bills, it is advisable to open a current account at a German bank.

You will need:

  • your passport or identity card
  • the registration certificate (?Meldebescheinigung“) which confirms that your are a resident in Germany. You receive the ?Meldebescheinigung“ after having registered at the Residents‘ Office.
  • some banks also require a residence permit, proof of regular income or confirmation of the duration of your stay.

Since account maintenance fees vary, it may advisable to compare the prices of different financial institutions.

When you open your account, you will receive an EC-card, which can be used to withdraw money from your bank's ATMs free of charge. If you wish to withdraw money from an ATM at another bank, you may be charged a fee.

In addition to cash, most shops, restaurants and companies accept EC-cards and credit cards. Smaller amounts, for example in cafés, are usually paid in cash.

Further information can be found here.