Five Subject Areas

The programme is divided into five thematic areas: "Teaching and Learning", "Examination and Assessment", "Advising Students", "Feedback and Evaluation" and "Developing Innovation in Teaching and Learning". These topics are presented in detail on this page.

Learn all about learning as a process and how to use it to improve your teaching.

Designing teaching, motivating and activating students for learning, initiating learning and understanding it as a process - these are the core tasks of every teacher. Against this background, it is important for teachers to deal with the basics of teaching and learning. In this way, the question of how teaching and learning processes are connected and what this means for the design, planning, implementation and reflection of one's own teaching is explored.

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Try out how to design exams and integrate them meaningfully into the learning process.

Examinations are an essential part of the study programme and fulfil selective, didactic and motivational functions. Even teachers who do not take examinations themselves contribute to the acquisition and verification of competences in the sense of constructive alignment. The aim of this topic area is therefore to sensitise teachers to the importance of university examinations in the overall learning process of students and to enable them to build up a repertoire of methods for designing and conducting examinations.

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Learn how to advise students profitably and professionally.

Advising students is part of undergraduate teaching at higher education institutions and covers a very broad spectrum of both academic and structural issues. In order to be able to organise counselling in an appropriate, appreciative, time-efficient and goal-oriented manner and to support students on their way to academic success within an appropriate framework, teachers in the subject area of "Counselling Students" develop an individual counselling approach that is oriented towards professional standards.

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Discover different feedback and evaluation methods for your teaching and your everyday life at the university.

Giving and receiving feedback is an essential part of teaching - between teachers and students as well as in collegial exchange. By enabling teachers to engage in an appreciative exchange with all relevant stakeholders at the university, they promote the quality development of their own teaching in particular and of teaching at the university as a whole in general. To this end, they learn about feedback and evaluation procedures and develop adaptation possibilities for their own teaching.

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Experiment with developing your teaching concepts innovatively and always adapting them to the new standards.

The aim of the subject area is the transfer of acquired higher education didactic competences to one's own teaching and research context within the framework of an individual teaching/learning project. Teachers are sensitised to the fact that concepts once learned are not static, but require continuous further development through evaluation and reflection.

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Additional subject area of key qualifications

365体育_足球比分网¥投注直播官网s and training courses that can be useful for good teaching but are not directly related to teaching are categorised under "key qualifications". These may include leadership, writing and moderation skills in particular, but also rhetoric training or training in the use of certain tools for digital teaching.

Ad­di­tion­al Sub­ject Area: Key Qual­i­fic­a­tions

Creditability in the programme

Units completed in the subject area Key Qualifications can be credited up to a maximum of 16 units towards the qualification programme "Professional Competence for Academic Teaching". Please note that this maximum refers to the entire certificate programme, i.e. a maximum of 16 of the 160 units distributed between the basic and extension module can be used for key qualifications.

Crediting towards the advanced module is not possible; the AE required for this must be completely allocated to the individual teaching-learning project. It is possible to distribute these 16 AE over several workshops and several modules. However, it is not possible to replace the mandatory workshops in the basic module (teaching and learning) or the required subject areas in the extension module (16 AE advising students, 16 AE evaluation & feedback, 16 AE examining & assessing) with key qualifications.