Refugee Sci­ent­ists and Aca­dem­ics

Paderborn University provides special support for scientists and academics who have fled their home countries enabling them to pursue their careers in Germany. Currently, Paderborn University offers the following initiatives for applying for personnel funding:

The German Research Foundation (DFG) for example supports scientists and academics who have fled from their native countries to participate in DFG research projects by enabling the project management to involve aspiring or postdoc refugee scientists and academics in already funded DFG projects by means of supplementary applications.

You will find more information on this here: Refugee scientists/academics

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation awards full 24-month scholarships to scientists and academics who are seeking protection in Germany, as they are threatened by war or persecution in their own countries. Universities and research facilities that would like to welcome refugee scientists and academics can apply at the Humboldt Foundation.

You will find more information regarding the application specifications here: Philipp Schwartz Initiative of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

In connection with already funded projects, you can apply for additional means at the Volkswagen Foundation for the inclusion of refugee researchers. More information is available at: Volkswagen Foundation.



Davina Stiller - N3.313, 60 - 2328

office hours: regular business hours