Pro­cesses in study­ing and teach­ing

Paderborn University's process management for teaching and learning serves to identify, design, control and document processes. The transparent presentation of procedures and responsibilities enables efficient, standardised processes. Process management is therefore an essential tool for the continuous improvement of the quality of teaching and learning.

The processes are divided into control processes, which serve to ensure the quality of teaching and learning, core processes, which aim to fulfil the educational mission, and support processes, which support the control and core processes.


Con­trol pro­cesses


Core processes

Planning and conducting examinations

Plan course programme

Set up degree programme

Accredit degree programme

Review and further develop study programme

Discontinue degree programme


Support processes

CStud Consilium of the deans of studies
DPM Decentralised Examination Manager (PAUL)
Faculty also includes "subject area"
IO International Office
LV Course
LVK Course Coordination / Course Coordinator (PAUL)
LVM Course management / Course manager (PAUL)
PANDA Paderborn University learning platform
PAUL Paderborn University assistance system for university and teaching
PAQman Paderborn working group for quality management in teaching and learning
PLAZ PLAZ-Professional School of Education
PO Examination regulations
PSM Examination secretariat staff
RV Room administration
SK Commission for Teaching, Studies and Quality Management
STS Student Secretariat
VP LSQ Vice President for Teaching, Studies and Quality Management
VVZ Course catalogue
ZPS Central Examination Office
ZSB Central Student Counselling Service
ZV SL Target agreements for study and teaching