In­form­a­tion­en for fac­ulties and in­sti­tu­tions

For the civil servants employed at the University of Paderborn, various legal requirements apply to the underlying employment relationship, which are regulated, among others, in the Civil Servant Status Act (BeamtStG) and the State Civil Servant Act NRW (LBG). Special regulations may arise from the NRW Higher Education Act.

The positions to be filled for civil servant personnel are generally advertised. The prerequisites for appointment to a civil service position are the hiring requirements necessary for the position in question and the general requirements under civil service law.

The selection procedures for civil servants in the central administration are supervised and carried out by the Human Resources Department - Section 4.2; the selection procedures for academic civil servants and civil servants in the University Library are carried out decentrally in the respective departments.

After the selection of a suitable candidate, a corresponding application for appointment must be submitted to the Human Resources Department by the respective department or, on the part of the administration, a recruitment note through official channels. Please include the attachment for the approval of the Equal Opportunity Officer with the application.

After receipt of the corresponding application, the appointment procedure will be carried out by the Personnel Department - Subject Area 4.2.

Please note that applications/notices for personnel measures must be submitted to the Human Resources Department at least 8 weeks prior to the planned appointment date and that employment at the University of Paderborn may only commence on the date of appointment. The arrangements required in this context (hiring documents, appointment date, step determination, etc.) are to be coordinated exclusively with the Personnel Department - Subject Area 4.2.


Application for Appointment

Attachment to Application for Appointment

Information on personnel planning and selection can be found here.