
? Work organisation

? Fundamental and general examination matters (please contact the person responsible for your degree programme and examination-related questions - e.g. registration, deregistration, admission, illness. During opening hours in person, outside office hours by telephone or in writing. The allocation of degree programmes and contact details as well as office hours can be found here)

? Control and coordination of the activities of the examination secretariat staff in the campus management system

? Clarification of procedural issues in examination management and documentation of processes

Head of subdivision

Person Responsibilities E-mail address Telephone number Room Office hours
Manuel Le?mann Head of subdivision zps.sgl@zv.uni-paderborn.de 05251 60-5207 C2.332 by appointment
Karin Sch?fer Deputy zps.sgl@zv.uni-paderborn.de 05251 60-4016 C2.229 by appointment

Ex­am­in­a­tion Co­ordin­a­tion Cam­pus Man­age­ment Sys­tem (PAUL)

Manuel Le?mann  
e-mail manuel.lessmann@zv.upb.de
Room C2.332
Telephone +49 5251 60-5207
Area of responsibility Examination Coordination Campus Management System PAUL