Ca­reer spot­light: From PHD to sci­ence man­age­ment - a ca­reer path for me?

Location: hybrid

On Thursday, 4 July, the Graduate Centre of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (GKW) invites you to the event "Career Spotlight: From PHD to Science Management - A career path for me?". After an input on the professional field of science management by GKW Managing Director Dr Anda-Lisa Harmening, Laura Maring, Diversity Officer at Paderborn University, and Dr Alexandra Wiebke, Head of the Academic Career Development Office, will provide insights into their respective day-to-day work as science managers.

Questions such as: In which areas within the university is science management located? What does the day-to-day work of a science manager look like? How do you get started in science management? What further training formats do they recommend? What opportunities/challenges arise within the professional field?

The event is open to all faculties. Registrations and enquiries will be accepted until 3 July by e-mail to

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