Lec­ture series "Dy­nam­ics of leg­al cul­tures: Is­lam­ic and Jew­ish leg­al tra­di­tions in dia­logue"

Location: Room Q1.203

In the summer semester there will be an interdisciplinary lecture series at Paderborn University on the topic of "Dynamics of Legal Cultures: Islamic and Jewish Legal Traditions in Conversation". All interested parties are cordially invited to attend. The four-part series, which takes place as part of the "Judaism on Tuesday" format, is organised by the Seminar for Jewish Studies, the Paderborn Institute for Islamic Theology (PIIT) and the Centre for Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies (ZEKK) at Paderborn University in cooperation with the Society for Jewish-Christian Cooperation Paderborn e.V. (GCJZ). On Tuesday, 9 July, Dr Hakki Arslan from the University of Münster will give a lecture on comparative responses to legal scholarship from 4 to 6 p.m. in room Q1.203.

About the lecture series

Islam and Judaism look back on a multifaceted legal tradition. The lecture series focuses on the accompanying analysis of the historical development, fundamental legal principles and central legal concepts of both traditions. In order to ensure a comprehensive understanding, an interdisciplinary approach will be pursued that meticulously incorporates not only legal aspects, but also cultural, historical and social influences.

Further information can be found on the lecture series website.

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Sarah Lebock

Zentrum für Komparative Theologie und Kulturwissenschaften (ZeKK)

Gesch?ftsführung ZeKK

Write email +49 5251 60-4527