FAQ on chan­ging the first name and gender entry for stu­dents at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Who can apply for an early change of name and gender entry?

  • Individuals who are enrolled as students at Paderborn University at the time of the application and who would like to have their first name and/or gender entry changed ahead of time, i.e. before an official registration by the registry office, can submit the application independently in the campus management system PAUL under the area "Studies" - "Applications (?Studium¡° - ¡°Antr?ge¡°).

Which documents are necessary for the request?

  • The filled out application form "STS Change of Sex" (?STS ?nderung des Geschlechts¡°)
  • A dgti supplementary identity card, which is an additional document containing your self-selected personal data as well as a current passport photo that is linked to your identity card via your identity card number. You must also submit this supplementary ID card digitally when applying for the early change of first name and/or gender entry.
    • You can apply for the dgti supplementary identity card online at the German Society for Transidentity and Intersexuality e. V. (dgti) via the following link (costs: 19,90€): https://ea.dgti.info/ea/eaonline/index.php.

    • For further information about the document, please also click here.

  • The associated self-declaration ("Obligatory declaration when applying with dgti supplementary identity card"/ ?Verpflichtende Erkl?rung bei Antragstellung mit dgti-Erg?nzungsausweis¡°), which states that Paderborn University is released from all claims that could arise due to the chosen changed gender/name entry and the use of corresponding documents, must be confirmed within the application.

What does the handling process of the application look like?

  • As soon as you have submitted the complete application digitally, that is including the self-declaration and proof of the dgti supplementary identity card, it will be processed by the staff of the Registrar¡¯s Office.

  • In case of approval, some of the changed information will be automatically adjusted in the (electronic) registration systems of Paderborn University. Some information must be adjusted by you manually. You can find an overwiew of this on the IMT HelpWiki.

What do I have to bear in mind when applying?

  • Your request can only be processed by the Registrar's Office if you submit all the documents required for the application. Therefore, please make sure that you submit both the dgti supplementary identity card and the required self-declaration ("Obligatory declaration when applying with dgti supplementary identity card"/?Verpflichtende Erkl?rung bei Antragstellung mit dgti-Erg?nzungsausweis¡°) during the digital application procedure in PAUL.

Which consequences does the change of data have for my semester ticket?

  •  Please note that the semester ticket is usually valid for one semester and must be reissued if the registered first and last name changes. To do so, you must have the semester ticket reissued via the OnlineTicket procedure as soon as your personal data has been changed. You can find a guide to this ordering process here.
  • It is also important that you always use the first and last name registered in PAUL to order the semester ticket. It is therefore crucial that the requested change of first name and/or gender entries has already been implemented via the Registrar's Office before you have your semester ticket reissued. You can check this in PAUL under "My data" - "Personal data" ("Meine Daten"  - "Pers?nliche Daten").
  • The new semester ticket, adjusted to your requested changes, will be made available electronically within 48 hours after completion of the outlined order process. Your previous ticket will then automatically lose its validity.
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On 22 November 2005, Paderborn University was the first university in NRW to be awarded the designation of ¡°family-friendly university¡±.


Paderborn University has received the TOTAL E-QUALITY Award for their equality-oriented Human Resources policies.

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Paderborn University signed the Diversity Charter in October 2011. Additional information can be found here.

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