Steer­ing group for the im­ple­ment­a­tion of the DFG's gender equal­ity concept and re­search-ori­ented gender equal­ity stand­ards

The Presidential Board of Paderborn University considers the mainstreaming of gender equality within the university to be part of its remit. A steering group was formed in 2009 for the implementation of gender mainstreaming and the realisation of the gender equality concept, which is currently headed by the President of Paderborn University, Birgitt Riegraf.

The members of the steering group are

  • the permanent representative of the Vice President for Business and Human Resources,
  • the deans or faculty directors of the individual faculties,
  • the chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission,
  • the Equal Opportunities Officer,
  • and the management of the Centre for Gender Studies.

Dr. Annika Hegemann


Room E2.103
Paderborn University
Pohlweg 55
33098 Paderborn