Equal Opportunities Commission
The Equal Opportunities Commission advises and supports the university and the Equal Opportunities Officer in their equality policy tasks. In particular, the Equal Opportunities Commission is involved in drawing up and complying with equal opportunities plans. The commission consists of two representatives from each status group. They are elected by the Senate by group for two years. The student members are elected for one year.
Group of professors

Office: H5.310
Phone: +49 5251 60-3598
E-mail: antje.langer@uni-paderborn.de
Web: Homepage

Office: D2.201
Phone: +49 5251 60-3067
E-mail: roesler@math.upb.de
Web: Homepage
Group of research assistants

Energiewirtschaft und Energieversorgung / Gesamtenergetische Bilanzierungen / Rationeller Energieeinsatz und Regenerative Energien
Office: N1.127
Phone: +49 5251 60-2307
E-mail: dirk.prior@uni-paderborn.de
Web: Homepage

Manager - Consultations for PhD-Students and Postdocs
Office: C5.312
Phone: +49 5251 60-3913
E-mail: anda.lisa.harmening@uni-paderborn.de
Web: Homepage