In­form­a­tion on the di­git­al sub­mis­sion of thes­is

The submission of your thesis by e-mail is an optional offer. Submission in paper form remains possible.

Please only use your university email address to send your thesis to the Examinations Office and your respective supervisors.

Information on data protection can be found in this document.


Formal and technical specifications:


The electronic submission of the thesis is only permitted via the student's university mail account ( Likewise, the file is only to be sent as one single e-mail to the respective university mail accounts of the examiners and the Central Examination Office (ZPS) (recognisable by the ending *** or ***

Submission of the thesis is only permitted in pdf/a format (PDF/A is a file format for long-term archiving of digital documents). Submission in any other format or submission from an e-mail account other than that of the University of Paderborn is not an effective submission of the thesis and will be considered as non-submission. Files can only be submitted via Uni-Mail in an attachment with the maximum size of 45 MB, larger files must be physically submitted (via USB Stick) to the ZPS on other data carriers.

The submission date is the date the e-mail is received by the ZPS, not the date it is sent! Thus, only the ZPS can check and confirm (by entry in PAUL under "my exams") whether the submission has been made on time.

The submission of the thesis by e-mail is an optional offer, a submission in paper form is alternatively still possible according to the regulations in § 10 of the regulations for the regulation of online examinations of the UPB, if the corresponding examination regulations provide for this. Other formal requirements from the examination regulations naturally continue to apply.

The electronic submission via university e-mail replaces the submission in paper form.

See also risk notice

