Fi­nal doc­u­ments

Cer­ti­fic­ate (in Ger­man)

Every graduate who successfully completes the degree programme receives a certificate. This certificate contains the name of the degree programme, the standard period of study and the overall grade. The certificate shows the date on which the last examination was completed. It bears the date of issue.

De­gree cer­ti­fic­ate (in Ger­man and with Eng­lish trans­la­tion)

A certificate with the date of issue of the certificate is issued at the same time as the certificate of successful completion. This will certify the award of the degree (e.g. Bachelor of Science).

Tran­script of Re­cords (in Ger­man)

The transcript of records lists the successfully completed examinations and the duration of the degree programme. The transcript of records contains information about the credit points and the module grades achieved as well as the final thesis. It also contains the topic of the thesis and the overall grade achieved.

Dip­loma Sup­ple­men­et (in Ger­man and Eng­lish)

A Diploma Supplement in English and German is issued with the certificate. It contains standardised information on German university degrees, which explains the German education system and categorises the degree. It provides information about the degree programme completed.

Eng­lish trans­la­tions

In the English-only degree programmes, graduates are also issued with English translations of their certificate and transcript of records.