Pader­born Uni­ver­sity is a mem­ber of the al­li­ance "Ge­mein­sam ge­gen Sex­is­mus" ("To­geth­er against sex­ism")

By joining the alliance "Gemeinsam gegen Sexismus" ("Together against sexism"), Paderborn University is sending out a clear signal: sexual discrimination, harassment and bullying will not be tolerated in any form.

In a joint declaration, a large number of supporters from all over Germany speak out in favour of working together to recognise sexism and sexual harassment, to take a closer look and to show how this can be effectively countered. The European Academy for Women in Politics and Business Berlin (EAF), together with the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ), is responsible for the initiative and its implementation. Founded by Lisa Paus in February 2023, the alliance already has over 480 members, including Paderborn University since April 2023. 

Federal Chancellor Scholz and the ministers of the federal ministries joined the alliance last Wednesday (8 November). They are also sending an important signal: sexism can only be combated together.

More information: Alliance "Gemeinsam gegen Sexismus" ("Together against sexism")


Support services for affected university members: Sexualised Discrimination and Violence (UPB)


Dr. Annika Hegemann
Central Equal Opportunities Officer