Train­ing on the top­ic of An­ti­semit­ism for em­ploy­ees

This is the first event for employees in the series of events “Gaining the ability to speak and act in dealing with Antisemitism, Islamophobia and the Middle East conflict”. 

SABRA (Servicestelle für Antidiskriminierungsberatung Beratung bei Rassismus und Antisemitismus) is a state-funded advice center for anti-discrimination work run by the Jewish Community of Düsseldorf. The work of SABRA includes, in particular, individual counseling for those affected by anti-Semitism (NRW-wide) and racism (Düsseldorf area) and offers various educational formats for prevention and awareness-raising on the topic of Antisemitism. On September 17, the SABRA team will come to Paderborn University and offer two events for UPB staff:

1) Further training on the topic of Antisemitism for employees in SoSe 2024

  • Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2024 (09:00-13:00)
  • Speaker: Katja Kuklinski and Ruth Chechelnizki (SABRA NRW)
  • Location: available by email after pre-registration

2) Further training on the topic of Antisemitism for university members who work as counselors at Paderborn University in summer semester 2024

  • Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2024 (14:00-16:00)
  • Speaker: Katja Kuklinski and Ruth Chechelnizki (SABRA NRW)
  • Location: available by e-mail after pre-registration

Further information on the event series can be found here