Cour­se de­s­crip­ti­on

Nr. 810.01

Self-Marketing and Networking in Science


01st – 02nd February 2024, 09:00 am – 02:00 pm



Target Group

Academic Staff of all faculties



Group Size

max. 12 participants


This seminar focusses on self-marketing strategies and professional performance in scientific settings such as international conferences or meetings with peers, other researchers and also online events. It aims at improving your individual performance by successfully communicating and discussing your research and expertise in different scientific contexts, online and in person.

First, you evaluate your professional skills and strategies so that a confident performance at conferences and meetings is backed-up with concrete achievements. Lessons learned from different steps in your career will be assessed and articulated. With the tool of the elevator pitch you learn how to engage other people in a meaningful presentation of your own work, how to make them trust in your research expertise and ideas and how to discuss your research with confidence. We will develop and put into practice your elevator pitch. Moreover, you identify a convincing and authentic style to increase your visibility in the science community, for example in more unstructured settings like meetings, poster sessions or conference dinners as well as structured settings like interviews and talks. The focus will be here both, on online and in person meetings.

Lastly, your physical appearance concerning body language and vocal expression are being developed to round up your professional and convincing self-presentation.


  • Self-presentation & Career landscape: Assessment of personal development, strategies & career milestones.

  • Framing research: Why should others be interested in me and my research?

  • Elevator pitch to introduce professional work

  • Storyboard: How to present my research in a story-like form e.g. at a poster session or a conference dinner?

  • Practicing a convincing performance in (un-)structured settings

  • Body language and self-confident appearance.

This workshop is particularly helpful for researchers who would like to explore their skills in a confidence-building environment, in which solutions are found for each individual style and character.


The workshop focusses on evaluating and testing your skills in order to develop your individual style by providing necessary theoretical input, group work, active discussion and artsbased exercises. Thus, learning experiences are generated by engaging in problem-solving activities.

This workshop is made possible online.


Kathrin Keune

Trainer?s Background

Kathrin Keune holds a Master’s degree in “Expressive Arts Therapy, Coaching and Education” and a B.A. in psychology. During her 6-year stay in California, she held a position as lab manager in the neuroscience lab of Dr. Barbara Ranscht at the Burnham Institute. Kathrin has been working as a business coach and consultant for over a decade and is still a performing classical singer.

Registration Deadline

2 weeks before the start of the event.

On the day of the registration deadline we decide on the basis of the registrations whether an event can take place or not. Therefore, please register promptly if you are interested! The more registrations we receive, the more certain we can hold the event. Of course, you can still register after the registration deadline if there are still places available.


Gewünschte(r) Kurs(e)
Angaben zur Person
Zustimmung des/der Vorgesetzten

Einwilligungserkl?rung *