
Internal university co-operations

Cooperation with the faculties, institutes and student councils as well as other university institutions is very important to us.

Co-operation with UPB service facilities

The Writing Competence Centre cooperates with the following Paderborn University service facilities, among others:

Co-operation with faculties and departments

It is particularly important to us to respond to the specific needs of the subject areas and to develop customised events in close contact with the respective disciplines if our core offerings are not sufficient.

If you are interested in a specific programme for your subject area or would like us to present our concepts and working methods, please contact us.

Offers to promote writing in the subject areas

In order to promote the sustainable anchoring of process-oriented and subject-sensitive writing didactics in teaching, we offer the further training SCHREIBEN LEHREN for teachers of all subject areas and, if interested, support writing-intensive courses in all faculties with the textographer programme.

Re­gion­al and in­ter­na­tion­al net­work­ing

The nationwide Society for Writing Didactics and Writing Research was founded in January 2013. The Writing Competence Centre is a member.

The EATAW offers a forum in which interested people from a wide range of fields related to academic teaching, counselling, researcher ... can exchange ideas. The Writing Competence Centre is a member of the EATAW.

The EWCA was founded in 1998 with the aim of promoting networking and exchange between university writing centres in Europe.

The IWCA, founded in 1983, aims to promote the professional training and development of writing centre staff.