Fun­ded Part­ners

Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

As a "University of the Information Society", the Paderborn University bundles its activities in all those areas that are of central importance for the further development of the information society. The fields of computer science, business informatics and electrical engineering are an outstanding strength of the University of Paderborn and provide essential impulses for new products and services for the global markets of tomorrow.


Chair of Auto­mot­ive Light­weight Design (LiA)

The Chair of Automotive Lightweight Automotive Design (LiA) is concerned with innovative solutions for lightweight automotive construction. The focus of research is on lightweight design concepts made of high-strength steels and lightweight materials (e.g.: aluminum, fiber-reinforced plastics) as well as in hybrid design (e.g.: metal/plastic composite hybrids). Quasi-static, cyclic and highly dynamic test series are carried out at LiA to validate component groups and lightweight design concepts.


De­part­ment of En­ergy Sys­tems En­gin­eer­ing (EST)

The Department of Energy Systems Engineering is concerned with the research and development of decentralized, sustainable energy generation and distribution as well as the analysis of energy demand. The research is interdisciplinary and interfaces in particular with mechanical engineering, computer science and the natural, economic and social sciences.


De­part­ment of Power Elec­tron­ics and Elec­tric­al Drive En­gin­eer­ing (LEA)

The Department of Power Electronics and Electrical Drive Engineering (LEA) is engaged in both theoretical and practical research activities, most of which are carried out in cooperation with industrial partners.


Soft­ware In­nov­a­tion Lab (SI-Lab)

The Software Innovation Lab (SI-Lab) deals with issues related to data- and software-driven innovations and thus creates an essential basis for the requirements-oriented design of future-oriented, networked and intelligent systems.



Brummelte & Lien­en Werkzeug­bau GmbH (BuL)

The company Brummelte und Lienen is a specialist for toolmaking, forming and milling technology. One of their core competences is the timely production of tools, prototypes and small series for defence and automotive.



Moeschter Group GmbH

The MOESCHTER Group is engaged in the development, manufacture and sale of high-performance materials. DOCERAM GmbH, a member of the Group, focuses its developments on industrial ceramics with outstanding properties as an alternative to metal and specializes in high-performance ceramics, which are used in the automotive sector, among others.


MORYX In­dustry by Phoenix Con­tact Gmbh & Co. KG

MORYX Industry offers with the software platform of the same name an open source based software solution for the digital factory. It is the only platform on the market that allows you to actively intervene in manufacturing and reconfigure all machines centrally - without any PLC programming knowledge.


Phoenix Con­tact Smart Busi­ness GmbH

Phoenix Contact Smart Business GmbH develops software services for the entire Phoenix Contact Group in the areas of development, manufacturing and sales.


Ul­rich Rotte An­la­gen­bau und F?rder­tech­nik GmbH

Ulrich Rotte Anlagenbau und F?rdertechnik is a family business that has proven itself to be a strong and innovative partner in the field of special plant construction across all sectors since the company was founded in 1994.



West­falen­Wind Planungs GmbH & Co. KG

WestfalenWIND Planung, as an innovative project developer in the field of renewable energies, has decades of experience. Together with WestfalenWIND PLUS, numerous wind energy plants have already been planned and implemented in East Westphalia-Lippe and beyond.





As­so­ci­ated part­ners

AEG Power Solu­tions GmbH

AEG Power Solutions ensures continuous power availability and safe operation of critical applications in all environments through a broad portfolio of power systems and services.


In­tilion GmbH

INTILION offers you innovative and sustainable lithium-ion energy storage solutions for stationary and mobile energy storage.


Kirch­hoff Auto­mot­ive Deutsch­land GmbH

As a development partner to the automotive industry, Kirchhoff Automotive develops and produces complex metal and hybrid structures for body-in-white and chassis as well as crash management systems and dashboard supports.