Uni­versit?ts­gesell­schaft Pader­born awards four Ger­many Schol­ar­ships in 2015

This year, the Universit?tsgesellschaft Paderborn - together with the Stiftung Studienfonds OWL - awarded four Germany Scholarships for the first time. Miriam L?cke, Chiara Zastrow, Stefan Ferdinand and Christof Dues are the current scholarship holders of the University Society and will be able to concentrate even more intensively on their studies in the future. From the winter semester 2015/16 onwards, they will receive funding of 300 euros per month for two semesters.

We introduce you to the current scholarship holders...

Miriam L?cke

When her parents recognised her interest in technology, they gave Miriam L?cke her first electronics kit at the age of eight. The first self-built circuits were followed by several participations in the First Lego League, her own projects in "Jugend forscht" and participation in youth academies during the school holidays. The fascination with technology has remained, and even grown: since the 2014/15 winter semester, the Paderborn student has been studying Technomathematics with a focus on Electrical Engineering. The scholarship enables her to concentrate on her studies and support the Student Research Centre on a voluntary basis.

Stefan Ferdinand

Stefan Ferdinand comes from the field of cultural studies and is studying German and English at the vocational college level. However, it doesn't necessarily have to be the teaching profession for Stefan Ferdinand after graduation. As a tutor in the Phonetics Department in English Studies, he has gained an insight into linguistics and could also imagine doing a doctorate in the field. To deepen his English skills, the Paderborn University student is spending the current 2015/16 winter semester at Manchester University.

Christof Dues

Christof Dues feels he is in good hands in physics. It gives him fundamental answers, but never loses touch with reality. Christof Dues was already interested in natural sciences at school and took part in competitions and academies. In addition to his studies, the 23-year-old works as a student assistant in the group of Prof. Dr. Wolf Gero Schmidt and gets to know the daily work of a theoretical physicist there. He is currently about to complete his Bachelor's degree. Thanks to the scholarship, he can focus entirely on the final phase of his studies.

Chiara Zastrow

Chiara Zastrow has been studying the Bachelor of International Business Studies since the 2014/15 winter semester. The scholarship enables the 20-year-old to focus completely on her studies. Chiara Zastrow wants to use her time at Paderborn University to gain as much knowledge as possible. After her Bachelor's degree, the scholarship holder is aiming for a Master's degree and would like to try to make contacts in the local economy during her studies in order to get her first work experience.

Paderborn University Society and the OWL Study Fund Foundation for the OWL Region

The Foundation Study Fund OWL is a cooperation project of the five universities in East Westphalia-Lippe that is unique in Germany. The foundation aims to provide sustainable support for students in East Westphalia-Lippe and to build up a network between sponsors and sponsored students in order to strengthen OWL as a university and business location in the long term. The University Society has been supporting these goals for three years now. To date, a total of nine scholarships have been awarded to students.

Thanks to the University Society

A heartfelt thank you goes to all members of the University Society, whose commitment has made it possible to support these two gifted students.