Doing Your Postdoc at Paderborn University

The first one to two years after your doctorate are an important orientation phase during which you lay the foundations for your further career - whether inside or outside academia. The Jenny Aloni Centre for Early Career Researchers provides important information and advisory services in this crucial transitional phase.

Wel?­come Event for Postdocs

The Jenny Aloni Centres for Early Career Researchers Team welcomes all new postdocs at Paderborn University!

In the Welcome Event 'Welcome to the Postdoc' we present you the numerous offers for postdocs at Paderborn University. After, there will be a joint lunch at which you will meet other postdocs and have an opportunity to expand your network.


There are different ways to fund your postdoc reseach.

Many postdocs are employed as research assistants at Paderborn University, which usually are positions with the designated goal to reach a higher level of qualification (qualification goal: habilitation or equivalent ("Habilitations?quivalente Leistungen")). Others hold a temporary position in a third-party funded project. In addition to working on their qualification goal, their responsibilities include supporting the respective work-group in the processing of research topics, applications, project management, as well as active participation in teaching (usually 4 hours per week during the lecture period). Compared to doctoral candidates, a higher degree of independence is required, which should increase in the course of the postdoc phase. Participation in the supervision of final theses (BA/MA), including grading, is also envisaged; postdocs can apply for the right to carry out examinations. Vacant research assistant positions are published in the job portal of Paderborn University .


The German Act on Fixed-Term Contracts in Academia (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz, WissZeitVG)

The Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (WissZeitVG) regulates the conditions for employment contracts in academia that have a next level of qualification as their goal. It only allows temporary employment of academic and artistic staff for qualification purposes for a total period of 12 years (6 years before and 6 years after the doctorate). According to the contract for good employment conditions, the initial contract period should be at least three years full-time if the postdoc is working towards a professorship. There is the possibility to extend this, f. ex. when  caring for children under the age of 18 and/or caring for a close relative. A disability or chronic illness can also extend the maximum permissible fixed-term period under the WissZeitVG by two years.

Note: The WissZeitVG is currently being amended and it is expected that the current time limits will be adjusted in the near future. We will inform you about any changes on our homepage and via the JAC newsletter.

Upon completing their doctorate, postdocs can apply for grants that fund their own position. For example, the German Research Foundation ("Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft," DFG) offers the so-called Walter Benjamin Programme, which enables postdocs who have just completed their doctorate to independently conduct a research project at a university of their choice. The project can be carried out at a research institution in Germany or abroad for a maximum of two years.

More experienced postdocs can also apply to the DFG for their own position under the "Sachbeihilfe" programme or even lead their own junior research group as part of the Emmy Noether Programme. The DFG regularly offers online information events on its funding opportunities.

The Research Department at Paderborn University can help you with individual questions regarding applications for third-party funding projects.

>> Go to the Research Department
>> Go to the DFG


Leading a junior research group enables postdocs to research and teach independently and to take on staff and budget responsibility. This qualifies them for academic leadership positions, in particular for an appointment to a professorship.

The following third-party funded junior research groups (usually 5 years duration) currently exist in Germany:

  • Emmy-Noether Programme of the DFG
  • ERC Starting Grant of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
  • NRW Return Programme of the NRW Ministry of Culture and Science

The Research Department can help you with individual questions regarding applications for third-party funding.

>> Go to the Research Department