Quantum Information Junior Research Group


This is a junior group leader position, including a PhD position in my group.


The motivation behind our project stems from the critical need to overcome the challenges posed by quantum decoherence and imperfections in experimental setups. Entangled states, particularly AME states, hold immense potential for various quantum applications, including secure communication and robust quantum computing. By addressing the limitations of current methods and proposing innovative solutions, we strive to contribute to the realization of reliable and scalable quantum systems.

Ziele und Vorgehen

Our primary objective is to develop and demonstrate protocols that enhance the performance of quantum information processing using noisy graph states. Specifically, we aim to achieve entanglement concentration through single-qubit measurements and optimize quantum teleportation protocols under realistic conditions. Additionally, we seek to create and characterize time-bin entangled multiphoton states using NV centers in diamond, exploring their potential for advanced quantum communication and computation.

Innovation und Perspektiven

Our project stands out due to its innovative approach to tackling the inherent challenges of quantum information processing. By leveraging nonideal graph states and proposing practical methods for entanglement concentration, we offer a novel solution to the problem of quantum decoherence. Furthermore, our exploration of time-bin entangled multiphoton states introduces a new dimension to quantum communication, utilizing the unique properties of NV centers in diamond. These innovations not only enhance the theoretical framework but also bring us closer to realizing practical quantum technologies.

Key Facts

02/2023 - 01/2026



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Dr. Zahra Raissi

Quantum Information Junior Research Group

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